Through the eyes of the majority in our world, Europe is seen as a stable continent with ample opportunity within. This view is far from reality for many who have no choice but to leave their home country seeking better opportunities abroad, be they in terms of education or employment.
Axcelero initially expanded its initiative into Europe through Italy and Ireland to begin with. The small number of immigrants from these countries often do not have communities to support them through the journey due to their comparative rarity to Asian or African immigrants. Some of these individuals end up in the United States, and many of them are lost between a lack of support through a community and an often insurmountable language barrier.
From what our organization has seen in these students, Axcelero is focused on providing assistance from individuals who have similar backgrounds to the types of European students and immigrants we help. Bridging the language and cultural barriers can turn one variable into a constant, leaving one less aspect to worry about to an often overwhelming prospect.
Though not traditionally thought of as filled with strife, Europe presents possible emigrants with their own unique challenges.